Welcome to April 2020

…and news, stories, upcoming events and event reviews from UnitedMind Ltd. Laughter Yoga, Laughter Yoga in London, all over the UK and elsewhere, The Laughter Club International (UK) and The Telephone Laughter Club.
UnitedMind is on the forefront with laughter, happiness and joy!
To continue receiving our news please subscribe if you haven’t already!
In March News we share the following…
- A Thought from Yours Truly
- Laughter Yoga 25 Anniversary and The Playing Human Conference and other workshops update
- Online Laughter Training and workshops
- YouTube for continued connection with laughter
- Laughter Club in St Albans, London, and in the UK
- The Accredited Training Formula
- Secure your Laughter Yoga and Laughter Therapist training
You can enjoy reading our news on our secure site on UnitedMind.co.uk!
Please also feel free to follow the scribbles about laugh life and life in general as well as a few moments of change on The Laughter Blog.
A few memories and places to listen and look…
- Oxford University Press, Digeo Productions and Laughter Yoga
- Laughter Yoga Teachers February 2020
- Laughter Yoga with Andi Peters on ITV Lorraine August 2019
- The Fruit Game and Laughter Yoga Teachers August 2019
- Laughter Yoga with Lotte on Channel 4 4Music Trending Live 11 Sep 2018
Our pages are constantly going through changes so please feel free to stop at Your Everyday Laughter Queen, and please stay with us on www.unitedmind.co.uk.
Please follow and like UnitedMind on Social Media
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/unitedmind
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/unitedmind.through.laughter
- YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/lottemikkel
- Instagram – https//www.instagram.com/unitedmindlaughteryoga
- Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.co.uk/unitedmindlaughteryoga
- TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@laughteryoga
The April Diary

Corporate March and April events have been postponed until we know a bit more about expectations to when normality will set in again.
However, our diary is not suspended completely because there are many online events to take part in as well as organise pre-laughter in advance of any events scheduled with your team, group or workplace in the future.
Once we are ready to share spaces in person again I will once again travel to where laughter is needed and where there are people willing to share laughter.
Give the gift of laughter to someone you care about all year.
To give you an idea of availability please visit our Events Calendar.
Available in London, across the UK, and Elsewhere

Our teachers are looking forward to normality and will be excited to be delivering workshops and training.
They are super-knowledgable, relatable, kind and professional, making sure you get maximum value from your training choice(s).
Our training courses are scheduled in London, St. Albans, Durham and Preston. However, we can run our training courses and workshops at your venue if you cannot join us on scheduled dates around the country.
Mental health is a priority for many businesses and communities, we all have mental health, and Laughter Yoga provides a platform for maintaining a healthy outlook with a perspective full of opportunity for positive change.
Not only on sign-posted days, the focus is all year round.

UnitedMind has the largest network of Laughter Yoga Partners in the UK and we always do our best to find a good day, time, and the most suitable Laughter Facilitator for you so please look beyond our diary when you are looking to organise a Laughter Workshop or Laughter Yoga Training for your group.
Together we are stronger and more able to address your requirements!

All Laughter Yoga training provided by UnitedMind Laughter Yoga Teachers is certified by Laughter Yoga International.

In additon all Laughter Yoga and Laughter Therapy training programmes from UnitedMind are accredited and approved for professional CPD in the UK by FHT.
Ask for a list of UnitedMind Approved Teachers and always check your teacher’s credentials.
Please contact us on email, info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717.
A Thought from Yours Truly

On 13th March we celebrated Laughter Yoga 25th Anniversary online and I had the true privilege of sharing laughter with my colleagues and friends, my laughter family, from many different nations.
What a joyful happening!
We are currently facing times of unforeseen challenges that have a variety of impacts on us all.
However, amidst all this we stand together and support each other in the best possible ways.

Even if you are not trained in Laughter Yoga or Laughter Therapy the invitation to join our cheerful events online is open, and we are all welcoming you and anyone who would like to embrace the worldwide changes with the ability to smile and with a resourceful view on life as we knew it and as we are facing.

Nations joining their voices in one community of compassion and kindness, a voice that helps us all cope better with the changes.
Differences are being cast aside and forgiveness is the way to healing past wounds that no longer take precedence over our sense of belonging.
Many Laughter Yoga Professionals from around the world spend their days sharing laughter online, connecting far and near in many languages. One thing is clear, laughter is the same regardless which origin you have and we become one when we share this universal language.

On 21 April I broke my left wrist, being left-handed that is no laughing matter, but I decided to stay positive about it and I am inviting you to follow the altogether 42 x 1-minute videos I am posting on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook, links are listed above, so pick your favourite social platform if you would like a little morning-pick-me-up to start your day or later in the day.
You can watch the first week below…
I will repeat what I stated last month, Laughter Yoga is nothing short of a transformational miracle that happens at the curve of your lips.

We are all shining blessings waiting to fully recognise our own true essence along with our place in a unified world of laughter and joy, understanding and kindness. There is nothing religious or political about Laughter Yoga which is why it connects us all no matter who we are.
When we stand together, even at a physical distance, we can overcome the most amazing things, and our world will be vibrating at highest frequency of joy, love, laughter and grace.
Love, Laughter and Peace
Laughter Yoga Master Trainer Lotte Mikkelsen
Your Everyday Laughter Queen #youreverydaylaughterqueen
Update on the June Conference
The Playing Human Conference 2018 brought unbelievable joy and a real sense of community and connection to us all in London. See for yourself…
The Playing Human Conference runs every two years…

In recognition of the current state of affairs around the world I decided, after taking advice from colleagues, to postpone the 2020 event until 2022.
You may ask why not 2021, but there are other large-scale events in the making for 2021 which is why The Playing Human Conference will be superfresh and ready for 2022.

Many of the delegates from 2020 have decided to transfer their ticket to 2022 and I am working on a preview of the event to happen online on Saturday 6 June 2020 with many of the speakers.
Hold onto your ticket instead of getting it refunded, there are many surprises coming in 2022!
We are filling Conway Hall again!
Get your ticket now – even if it is two years away it is a great time to plan your diary and remember this awesome event!
- 3-day The Playing Human Conference and The International LAFTAS on 3-5 June 2022 at Conway Hall in London
- £150 for the three days
We are hoping and waiting for confirmation from all keynotes…
Meet all the speakers on www.laughteryogaconference.co.uk/the-playing-human-conference-2020/meet-the-key-notes-2020/ – there is still lots of information to read and people to get to know.
- Kate Hull Rodges, HumourUs and Author
- Sue Haswell, Big Results and Mindfulness Leader
- Tinny Potty Dindins, Drums and Other Sounds
- Maggie Irving, Class Clown and Performance Coach
- Julien Pechot, L’École Internationale du Rire
- Albert Nerenberg, Film Maker and Laughologist
- Eser Mutlu, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer Turkey
- Miriam Akhtar, Positive Psychologist and Happiness Expert
- Leif Hansen, Playformation Expert at Spark Interaction
- Shoot from the Hip, Comedy Improv
- Hocus Pocus Theatre, FUN Clinic
- Anne Rose Hart, The Genius Whisperer

These truly inspirational people are truly exceptional and they will be coming to inspire and move us all with playfulness and attitude!
Other Events
In addition to postponing The Playing Human Conference and Laughter Yoga 25 Anniversary the following training and workshop events have been postponed:
- 2-3 April Laughter Yoga Leader Training in Preston – moved to 6-7 August
- 4 April The Inner Spirit of Laughter in Stanmore – date to follow shortly
- 23-24 April Laughter Yoga Leader Training in London – training is held in London every month
In the meantime you can start your Laughter Yoga Training online!
Please get in touch about The Playing Human Conference & The International LAFTAS, our courses, workshops, conferences, laughter clubs and other events via email, info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717.
Laughter Leader Training Online

In 2010 UnitedMind launched online training as a means for people to learn Laughter Yoga when there was no option for them in terms of suitable dates and venues.

The Laughter Leader Online Training covers the content of the 2-day in-person Laughter Yoga Leader Training. However, the difference is that the group dynamics you experience in a group you face cannot be experiences in the same way.
The online training is facilitated face to face via webcam on Zoom over 4 sessions which takes you through the full Laughter Leader programme.

In order to complete the fully recognised Laughter Yoga International certification the course must be completed on Day-2 of the in-person training at a venue and dates scheduled, whether it is in London, St Albans, Durham or Preston.
The full certification on Day-2 is also a requirement for completing the additional accreditation.
Why is online Laughter Training available then if you have to complete in person?

Sometimes it is simply important to start the journey with Laughter Yoga and there are no other options than to start online.
You are given the tools and skills to start you own laughter practice and start learning the structure of a session as you practice with your friends and family.
UnitedMind fully support our students and colleagues in completing their training to high levels without compromising quality and nationals as well as international standards.
You can book your online training on the following dates from 10am-12:30am, or get in touch to organise your own dates to suit you:
- Wednesdays, 1, 8, 15, 22 April
- Thursdays, 2, 9, 16, 23 April
- Compact 27, 29 April and 1, 4 May
- Tuesdays 5, 12, 19, 26 May
- And more dates to book via our shop link for online training https://www.unitedmind.co.uk/product-category/training/4-week-online-laughter-leader-training/
Laughter Coach Training Online

For Laughter Yoga Teachers there is the opportunity to learn the method for facilitating Laughter One-On-One Coaching.
You will learn to conduct an 8-week Laughter Coaching programme with individual clients as well as groups.
It is an ideal programme to offer for long-term workshop programmes to your clients, and also for developing your own Daily Laughter Practice as a Laughter Yoga Teachers.
The following dates are currently scheduled and you can book via https://www.unitedmind.co.uk/product-category/training/laughteryogacoach/:
- 16 May 2020 Online on Zoom from 10am to 4pm
- 25 July 2020 Hemel Hempstead from 10am to 4pm
- 05 September 2020 Hemel Hempstead from 10am to 4pm
- Or you can schedule your own date
The Laughter Coach Training is accredited. Accreditation critea are listed on https://www.unitedmind.co.uk/courses/.
Laughter Alone Online Workshop
Other workshops are also running online, 3-hour workshops to teach you how to bring laughter into your life daily and also Laughter One-On-One Coaching.
The dates available are
- 6 April 2020
- 14 April 2020
- 20 April 2020
The fee is £25 where £5 will be donate to the homeless. Booking via https://www.unitedmind.co.uk/product/laughter-alone-online-workshop/
Business Experts Online

How to you brand yourself in times of change and make yourself stand out?
The Business Expert Programme provides an opportunity for you to turn your business around and focus on what is important for you and your market/clients.
Full details of the programme are on https://www.unitedmind.co.uk/business-experts/.
The following dates are currently scheduled and you can book via https://www.unitedmind.co.uk/product-category/business/:
- 22 and 29 April, 6 and 13 May 2020 Online on Zoom from 10am to 12noon
- 1, 8, 15 and 22 June 2020 Online on Zoom from 10am to 12noon
- 13 June 2020 Hemel Hempstead from 10am to 5pm
- 14 November 2020 Hemel Hempstead from 10am to 5pm
- Or you can schedule your own date
For more information about online training and online workshops please contact us on info@unitedmind.co.uk or call 07736341717 or 08001214714.
Laughter Club International (UK)

We are moving to Zoom in April and hope to be back in the 1st St Albans Scouts Wadley Hut in The Laughter Club International (UK) in St Albans to celebrate World Laughter Day on 3rd May.
- Please join us from 1pm-1:30pm on 5th, 12th, 19th, 26 April
- Please register via https://form.jotform.com/200864136631350 (data is sent with encryption). You can view our Privacy Notice.
Our usual Laughter Club meetings are on First Sunday every month at 1pm-2-2:30pm – please do join us!
- Next time will hopefully be 3rd May 2020 World Laughter Day
- and then 7th June 2020
There are over 130 Laughter Clubs in the UK with their own webpage where you can find details.
Please get in touch about the laughter clubs and other options via email, info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717.
The Accredited Training Formula
Accreditation means our courses are proper approved for CPD!
Always ask for your teachers training credentials.
You are always in good hands with FHT Approved Laughter Yoga Teachers!
PLEASE NOTE, The Laughter Yoga Training is still certified with a standard international certificate issued by Laughter Yoga International and co-signed by your teacher(s) which you receive at the end of the 2-day or 5-day training.
You can simply get your certificate and be ready but there are a few more requirements if you want the additional accreditation certificate. The training is accredited in the UK.
Laughter Yoga Training Accreditation has been a big step in standardising the way we teach Laughter Yoga in the UK and how we bring the techniques to people as a tool approved for CPD purposes.
FHT Accredited courses from UnitedMind are
- 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training
- 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
- 1-day Laughter Yoga Coach Training
- Laughter Therapist Training
This is truly exciting at a time when mental and physical health is top of the priority list for many workplaces and public sector organisations.
With accreditation we are taking Laughter Yoga seriously and we are bringing the standards to another level of nationwide approval within the education system.
I would love to teach you and share my 17 years experience with you in London, St. Albans, Durham, Preston, and your venue if you want to organise your own dates with your group of minimum 4 people, as well as one-on-one in Hemel Hempstead.
The training is outstanding, deep and fun, and since I teach together with Accredited Laughter Yoga Teacher you get two Laughter Ambassadors for the price of one when you join us in London, Durham, St. Albans, and Bristol!
ALWAYS check your teacher’s credentials…
Or contact me on email lotte@unitedmind.co.uk or call 07736341717 for details of other courses and other teachers.
If you want to be sure to get a place on the course of your choice please book now in the UnitedMind Online Shop.
For more information about accredited training courses please contact us via info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714, or mobile 07736 341 717.