Welcome to April 2021

…and news, stories, upcoming events and event reviews from UnitedMind Ltd. Laughter Yoga, Laughter Yoga in London, all over the UK and elsewhere, The Laughter Club International (UK) and The Telephone Laughter Club.
UnitedMind is on the forefront with laughter, happiness and joy!
To continue receiving our news please subscribe if you haven’t already!
In April News we share the following…
- April Alchemy from Yours Truly
- Overcoming Overwhelm with Radka
- Right Up My Podcast – the podcast
- On the panel of illumi
- The Wellness Movement Diasy – essential events
- The Laughter Club International UK) in St Albans on Zoom
and World Laughter Day in May
Oldies but Goodies – the necessity: - Laughter Yoga Teacher Training for Laughter Yoga Leaders
- The Accredited Laughter Yoga Training Online and in the classroom
- Secure your Laughter Yoga and Laughter Therapist training
You can enjoy reading our news on our secure site on UnitedMind.co.uk!
A few videos and places to listen and look…
- YouTube Impromptu Conversations
- Laughter Yoga with Sally on ITV News May 2020
- Oxford University Press, Digeo Productions and Laughter Yoga
- Laughter Yoga with Andi Peters on ITV Lorraine August 2019
- Laughter Yoga with Lotte on Channel 4 4Music Trending Live 11 Sep 2018
- UnitedMind’s Secure Online Shop – products, services, subscriptions
- The Laughter Club in 2020 – we are online!
Please follow and like UnitedMind on Social Media
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/unitedmind
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/unitedmind.through.laughter
- YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/lottemikkel
- Instagram – https//www.instagram.com/unitedmindthroughlaughter
- TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@laughteryoga
April Alchemy from Yours Truly

Always seize the moment for joy and laughter when it presents itself!
April and more spring is here now and it is an exceptional time to blossom and enjoy every growth that goes on in us and around us.
A great time to look at who we are, who we are becoming and who we really deep down want to be in this life.
Fine tune or find your tune!
The growing seeds of liberation and acknowledgement of the change we have felt over the past many months are bursting to manifest themselves in myriads of ways, and we are just vessels for change to unfold on a bigger scale when we embrace our soul’s joyful breath, our laughter, and our journey.
On this path of kindness, joy and creation we form friendships and alliances that are essential to how we can grow with each other and sometimes grow apart.
So many things have happened this past year and many of these things are outside where I see myself and my work flowing, growing, sharing and caring, and perhaps you reflect just the same.

We all have an abundance of potential but it does not mean we all know how to access this potential in the ways we imagine, and often we are in too much of a hurry to fully notice what we have and who we are, so we miss out on seeing what we can do differently and missing out on seeing the bigger picture.
Sometimes the best choice is to break free and go a different way than those who went before or went along.
I love teaching Laughter Yoga on all the leves of teaching there are.
Along the way I always look to create lasting connections and to co-operate with likeminded people in order to have a greater impact in the world than that of one person.
Undoubtedly, I am blessed with friendships and colleague-ships that are outstanding and rich on so many levels. Thank you all.
It is also okay to say no. To say, this is where the journey, relationship, co-creation, partnership, etc. ends – but right now is not the time.

It is a new spring and a new time ahead. I am reaching out with arms open to welcome you into the world of Lott’o’Laughter, of sharing Laughter Yoga together for greater health, resourcefulness and co-creation.
As we join our wisdom and creativity we alchemise the change we all need so much, lifting the energy, light and spirit of us all.
In my mind this April Alchemy made sense, and if all else fails… I wish you a wonderful month of April!
Love, Laughter and Grace
Lotte Mikkelsen
Laughter Yoga Expert and Master Trainer
Overcoming Overwhelm Virtual Online Forum by Radka Gimerova

Meeting Radka was a real honour. A mother, HR Professional, Transformational Coach, and Aroma Therapist with real inspiration and motivation to share for life and work.
Radka has organised a wonderful virtual online forum, Overcoming Overwhelm, and you are invited to register for free via the link, https://sparkyourbalance.com/event/.
Starting April 14th for 5 days, you will receive 2 experts interviews each day. All are designed to deliver not only the wisdom and tools to practice, but also a real experience for you to embrace.
A feeling of overwhelm can paralyse you in your movement at work or in life. Your ability to take action on even the tiniest things can feel undoable and you can easily feel trapped.
I feel privileged to be part of this super-charged panel of experts, and recommend the many facets that are being presented on how you can overcome feeling overwhelmed.
For information about our workshops, programmes and training, and to work with us please get in touch via email info@unitedmind.co.uk or call 0800 12 14 714 or 07736 341 717.
Right Up My Podcast
The Right Up My Podcase with Gwen and Katie – and Laughter Yoga – is live!
It is the season for podcasts and I am excited to soon introduce the next one on, with Irene Moore on the Savvy Startup Podcast.
For information about our workshops, programmes and training, and to work with us please get in touch via email info@unitedmind.co.uk or call 0800 12 14 714 or 07736 341 717.
On the panel of illumi

Working together is definitely a theme for this month, the past months, and the months moving forward.
For that reason it was with great excitement and also a few great expectations I opened an email from one of the great event organisers in London, who had decided to launch their virtual events company and were looking to bring experts onboard for the events they would be promoting.
Here is who thery are:
“Hi, we’re illumi. “…and what is illumi?”, you may ask, quite reasonably. Simply put, we are the home of standout, content-led virtual experiences. Think of illumi as the lovechild of amazing content plus events expertise, with exciting emerging and under-represented talent as godparents.

Death by PowerPoint is over. Zoom is tired. All-hands emails are so last century. Webinars are on the wane. But virtual meetings and experiences are here to stay—and your audience deserves something stellar.
Enter illumi, stage-left. We take our extensive experience in events, digital, broadcast and technical delivery (award-winning experiential event agency WLLX is our parent company), and combine it with our bright ideas and sparkling content from our growing family of talented co-creators. The big finale is memorable and impactful virtual experiences that will have your audience craving more. Prepare for rave reviews.”
And they say a lot more, please visit them on https://www.illumi.live/ where there is more to be discovered.
For information about our workshops, programmes and training, and to work with us please get in touch via email info@unitedmind.co.uk or call 0800 12 14 714 or 07736 341 717.
The Wellness Movement Diary – unmissable!
There are events for workplace and personal wellbeing happening constantly, and Sha Hussain of The Wellness Movemnet has put together a really good programme of events for 2021.
Sha and I will be focusing on World Laughter Day when we have our event on 30 April at 11am. Please note the date chance.

For information about our workshops, programmes and training, and to work with us please get in touch via email info@unitedmind.co.uk or call 0800 12 14 714 or 07736 341 717.
The Laughter Club International (UK) on Zoom

The Laughter Club in St Albans is sharing laughter on Zoom on 1st Sunday every month at 1pm-1:30pm!
Please register online on https://form.jotform.com/200864136631350.
We are serious about laughter and sharing the benefits, and we hope that you enjoy these monthly Laughter Yoga workouts.
- Sunday 4 April 2021 at 1pm-1:30pm
- Sunday 2 May 2021 at 1pm-1:30pm WORLD LAUGHTER DAY
- Sunday 6 June 2021 at 1pm-1:30pm
A Laughter Club is just like a fitness session and we encourage you to pay as you can to www.paypal.me/unitedmind.
Thank you for your kindness.
Please get in touch about the laughter clubs and other options via email, info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717.
World Laughter Day 30 April Preview with Sha and Lotte

We are teaming up again after our superb Mindfulness and Laughter workshop for HR Professionals in January.
On 30 April at 11am Sha and I will be hosting an open event in celebration of World Laughter Day on 2 Mary 2021.
Please get in touch to find out more and to get information on how to join us as we bring an alternative perspective on health and wellness to workplaces via Zoom.
For information about our workshops, programmes and training, and to work with us please get in touch via email info@unitedmind.co.uk or call 0800 12 14 714 or 07736 341 717.
Why The Telephone Laughter Club is a great wake-up call
The Telephone Laughter Club runs Monday to Friday at 7am to 7:10am.
Change your morning and you will change your life!
The full story of The Telephone Laughter Club in the UK can be read on www.lottemikkelsen.com/laughter-ms.
Please subscribe and support The Telephone Laughter Club by donating the annual fee of £30 to keep it going every weekday morning from 7am-7:10am. You can subscribe via www.unitedmind.co.uk/product-category/subscriptions.
Laughter Teacher Training including Online Prep

Just a reminder of the training available to Certified Laughter Yoga Leaders this summer.
The training in July 2021 little extras lined up which allow you to start your training online to prepare you for the days we will be spending together. We start this month!
The course will start with 10 online 1-hour sessions before we continue with the full training in person on Monday 5 July:
- 25th April Lesson 1 Laughter yoga for seniors
- 2nd May Lesson 2 Laughter Yoga for School children
- 9th May Lesson 3 Laughter Yoga in Business
- 16th May Lessons 4 Laughter Yoga in Hospitals and Health care
- 23rd May Lesson 5 Laughter Yoga for People living with Special Needs
- 30th May Lesson 6 Gibberish workshop
- 6th June Lesson 7 Which training programs you can offer
- 13th June Lesson 8 Promotion, marketing, PR, and presentation skills
- 20th June Lesson 9 Creating new exercises
- 27th June Lesson 10 Inner Spirit of Laughter
As the second special extra, flights permitting, my good friend and Laughter Yoga Master Trainer Colleague, Linda Leclerc, from Canada will be joining me teaching the course this summer.

Booking on https://www.unitedmind.co.uk/product-category/training/laughteryogateacher/.
The Laughter Yoga Teacher Training is deep and expansive for your mind, your heart and for your soul.
You will learn how to be a great leader, teacher and facilitator of workshops and training as well as being a teamplayer in a field where we work best when we work together.

Upon completion you will receive the Laughter Yoga International Laughter Yoga Teacher Certificate and be eligible for the UnitedMind accredited training certification.
UnitedMind is registered with our insurance company as a training provider which means that our certificates grant you insurance.
When you choose your training provider please make sure you check their credentials as online training methods and courses are not always covered by insurers.
There are a few more requirements if you want the additional accreditation certificate.
If you want to be sure to get a place on the course of your choice please book now in the UnitedMind Online Shop.
For more information about accredited training courses please contact us via info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714, or mobile 07736 341 717.
Please also feel free to follow the scribbles about laugh life and life in general as well as a few moments of change on The Laughter Blog.
Our pages are constantly going through changes so please feel free to stop at Your Everyday Laughter Queen, and please stay with us on www.unitedmind.co.uk.