Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK

Laughter News January 2017

Welcome to January 2017UnitedMind - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

…and news from UnitedMind Ltd., Laughter Yoga Ltd., Gibberish Communications Ltd., and The Laughter Club International (UK).

Information in this newsflash about

  • Welcome to 2017
  • Laughter Association UK official launch
  • Special training proposal for 2017
  • 1-day training to bring you laughter for life
  • Laughter Workshops at Northumbria University Newcastle
  • Laughter shared is life changed
  • Laughter training opportunities
  • Dates for teacher, coach, leader, therapist courses!

Our newsletter is a combination of news, stories and upcoming events. We hope you will enjoy our content on a monthly basis, and look forward to seeing you on courses and training, workshops, Laughter Clubs or other laughter events.

Please also feel free to follow the scribbles about laugh life and life in general on The Laughter Blog as well as The Healthy Laughing Blog.

And just to mention

Our pages are constantly going through changes so please feel free to stop at StaffLaugh, Gibberish Communications, Life Healer, and World Laughter Day UK and please visit us on

Welcome to a brand new year!

IMG 6039 e1527528914967 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte MikkelsenThe New Year brings a lot of exciting news and events, celebrations with laughter and ways to learn laughter.

It is a time of renewal with the ground beginning to break and starting to bloom with the early sprouting snowdrops.

Laughter grows from deep within, too. And sometimes it takes the time of reflection over winter before idea blossoms and inspiration hits the heart.

UnitedMind is ready with laughter coaching, training, workshops, and other events to help you gain momentum and reach your goals in 2017 from a place of mindfulness, joyfulness and stresseless living.

We celebrate 15 years in business out of which 10 years have been as a limited company, 10 years of teaching Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training, 5 years of training Certified Laughter Yoga Teachers, and many other amazing anniversaries.

I absolutely LOVE this work, and I love the difference it makes to real people in real lives.

Please step into laughter now – no more putting it off.

There is a world of change awaiting and laughter really does make a world of a difference!

If you have any questions or need more information about our methods, courses, workshops and how you can learn, please contact us on email,, or mobile 07736 341 717.

Laughter Association UK official launch!

IMG 9855 e1527528974838 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte MikkelsenLaughter Association UK has its official launch on 1st January as the professional organisation that brings together Certified Laughter Teachers and Facilitators most of whom are running laughter clubs, laughter training, laughter workshops and other laughter-based events around the UK.

All members of Laughter Association UK are professionals who deliver workshops and training programmes to highest standards as they all have their training, continued professional development and their professional insurance in place making them safe choices for running workshops at your events.

2013 06 08 Comedy Story 768x1024 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte MikkelsenWith the launch it is in the hope you will welcome any of Laughter Association’s members onto your premises to facilitate and to teach training and workshops based on therapeutic laughter, Laughter Yoga and other laughter-based skills knowing that you will be provided with second to none services.

Read the official press release.

Special Laughter Training proposal

MG 6797 25 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte MikkelsenThe new year brings new standards and new training fees. There are new organisations, and there are many businesses who already have started taking laughter seriously.

UnitedMind has a unique training offer altogether, and have put together a programme that will cover you from Leader to Teacher to Coach to Therapist and have included Gibberish as well as a few hours of business coverage. I hope you will take the opportunity and take advantage of this complete programme.

You can click on the links to read about the individual programmes.

The Complete Laughter Yoga Teacher Package Special Offer £645

  • Laughter Yoga Leader value £175 (early bird) £225 (full fee)
  • Laughter Yoga Teacher £595 (early bird) £750 (full fee)
  • Laughter Yoga Coach £95 (early bird) £150 (full fee)
  • Gibberish Coach £95 (early bird) £150 (full fee)
  • Total value £960 (early bird) £1,275 (full fee)

Book on in St. Albans and London or in Durham on

The Complete Laughter Teacher and Therapist Package £945

  • Laughter Yoga Leader value £175 (early bird) £225 (full fee)
  • Laughter Yoga Teacher non-accommodation £595 (early bird) £750 (full fee)
  • Laughter Yoga Coach £95 (early bird) £150 (full fee)
  • Gibberish Coach £95 (early bird) £150 (full fee)
  • Laughter Therapist £550 (early bird) £750 (full fee)
  • Total value £1,355 (early bird) £2,070 (full fee)

Book on in St Albans and London or in Durham on /

The special offers are available to book until Monday 9th January 2017.

Please also remember that the 2016 early bird booking fees are available to book until 31st December 2016:

  • Laughter Yoga Leader Training £150 including Gibberish Training
  • Laughter Yoga Teacher Training £550
  • Laughter Therapist Training £495

Full details and dates are listed further down and you can always find information on or by contacting us on email,, or mobile 07736 341 717. Or book your place in UnitedMind’s Online Shop.

1-day training to bring you laughter for life

Laughter Yoga Basic Learning Certificate - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte MikkelsenThe new year is certainly set to be another exciting one for laughter!

The 1-day Certified Laughter Yoga Basic Learning Course is running in St. Albans on 4th February 2017 at Aboyne Lodge School on Etna Road and is already half-full after having been announced in the December 2016 newsletter. Here is a little recap on the 1-day programme:

What you learn during this one day of training includes

  • the background for the practice of Laughter Yoga
  • Laughter Yoga exercises to practice for yourself
  • breathing exercises important for your health and wellbeing
  • learn how to share Laughter Yoga with your friends and family
  • lots more about laughter and the benefits

This is what it is all about: an ideal day if you want to learn Laughter Yoga but you are uncertain about wanting to run a Laughter Club or laughter sessions. It is also ideal as a taster before you venture onto the 2-day Certified Laughter Yoga Leader or 5-day Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher training courses.

It is even ideal for your workplace training day!

Bringing laughter into your own life is the first step to changing the world!

If you have any questions or need more information about laughter and handling life’s stressful moments, please contact us on email,, or mobile 07736 341 717. Or book your place in UnitedMinds Online Shop.

Laughter Workshops at Northumbria University Newcastle

As part of her third year dissertation I will be working with Sophie Bradshaw to complete a set of laughter workshops with measured outcomes. The laughter sessions will be taking place at Northumbria University Newcastle on 9th and 16th January 2017 and we are inviting you to join us from 1pm to 2pm.

SOPHIE BRADSHAW ADVERT FOR DISSERTATION - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte MikkelsenLaughter shared is life changed

MG 6797 25 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte MikkelsenThe year is already being filled with bookings for laughter workshops in organisations where disabled people have same opportunities as everyone else, where people living with cancer constantly change their lives, where children’s future is not defined by their past, where businesses come together to create positive change through focus and determination, universities, companies, and private groups.

The work of a Laughter Facilitator changes lives and I always say that I would rather run the workshop for you than not, and we will always find a way!

Get in touch to get a quote for your team or to receive more information about sharing laughter in your workplace or in life outside work and study, please contact us on email,, or mobile 07736 341 717.

Laughter training opportunities

This video is from the first students who went on to become successful Laughter Yoga Teachers – please visit UnitedMind on YouTube to watch many more experiences:

As Laughter Yoga Master Trainer I feel truly blessed to work with inspiring and motivated people who go from being leaders to becoming teachers.

They take on communities, countries, universes to pave the way for positive change, and I am with them, with you, all the way.

Laughter Yoga Leaders take the initial step towards sharing laughter on a big scale and the 2-day Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training is just the beginning. It is the course where you find out if this is for you and you discover how you can create a positive impact in your own life as well as those you encounter.

Laughter Yoga Teachers mean business even moreso as they come with a determination to create more Laughter Yoga Leaders so the ripple effect of the laughter work we all do become multiplied.

When you train you learn to bring therapeutic laughter into areas of your life where it makes a real difference.

If you would like to join the Laughter Yoga Leaders and Teachers and start bringing laughter to yourself, your clients, team, organisation or home, or if you would like more information about Laughter Training for you or your team, organisation, group, please contact us on email,, or mobile 07736 341 717.

Or book your training on

Dates for Certified Laughter Training

I teach in London, St Albans, Blackpool, Durham, and online.

Please note that Laughter Yoga Training fees are due to increase based on the USD-GBP exchange rate that has changed dramatically over the past year, you can book at old rates for the rest of 2016!

Our courses run in the following locations:

  • Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training
    • London
    • St. Albans
    • Blackpool
    • Durham
    • Online
    • Your venue
  • Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
    • Hemel Hempstead
    • St. Albans
    • Durham
    • Your venue
  • Accredited Laughter Therapist Training
    • St. Albans
    • Durham
    • Online
  • Certified Laughter Coach and Gibberish Coach Training
    • St Albans
    • Durham
    • Online

Laughter Yoga Leader

The 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training runs on the following dates and venues (full details are listed on

2-day Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training

  • ONLINE in January 2017 – 5, 12, 19, 26
  • 21-22 January 2017 in St Albans £150 early /£200
  • 18-19 February 2017 in Durham £150 early /£200
  • 02-03 March 2017 in London £150 early /£200
  • 20-21 April 2017 in London £150 early /£200
  • 13-14 May 2017 in St Albans £150 early /£200
  • 05-06 October 2017 in Blackpool £150 early /£200
  • Your workplace or with your group at dates to suit you!

Laughter Yoga Teacher

The 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training runs on the following dates and venues (full details are listed on

5-day Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
solely provided by UnitedMind in the UK since 2012

  • 03-07 April 2017 in St Albans £550 early / £695
  • 10-14 April 2017 in Durham £550 early / £695
  • 10-14 July 2017 in Hemel Hempstead £550 early / £695
  • NEW Your workplace or with your group at dates to suit you!

Fees are excluding accommodation (only applies to Hemel Hempstead training) which you must book separately on

Feel free to enquire about special offers at any time.

Laughter Therapist

2-day Certified Laughter Therapist (NB 6/12-month programme)

  • 08, 15, 22, 29 March 2017 Online £495 early / £795
  • 01-02 April 2017 St. Albans £495 early / £795
  • 03-04 August Durham £495 early / £795

Laughter Yoga Coach

The 2-day Laughter Yoga Coach Training and 1-day Laughter Yoga Coach Training for Laughter Yoga Leaders and Teachers runs online on the following dates (full details are listed on and

2-day Certified Laughter Coaching Training

  • 07-08 December 2016 10am-3pm Online £150 early /£200

1-day Certified Laughter Coaching Training
for Laughter Yoga Leaders and Teachers

  • 01 December 2016 10am-3pm Online £95 early /£150

Or you can book your 8-week One On One Laughter Coaching Programme and get closer to your real laughter through the practice of Laughter Yoga exercises.

  • 8-week One-On-One Laughter Coaching Programme

Your workplace at dates to suit you!

All of the training courses are great addition to any type of therapy or workshop facilitation, health work as well as business related demands, as the courses take you through learning a skillset that can successfully be utilised and adopted to any group whether it is about laughter, play, relaxation, mindfulness, or balance in life in general.

All fees are excluding travel and accommodation costs. Other deals may be available as well as special agreements with companies and organisations who wish to train teams and individuals in their workplace, or concessions.

If you want to be sure to get a place on the course of your choice please book now in the UnitedMind Online Shop.

For more information about certified training courses please contact us via email,, or mobile 07736 341 717.

Full details of all workshops and training programmes, and how to register, are listed on UnitedMind’s website.

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