Welcome to October 2019

…and news, stories, upcoming events and event reviews from UnitedMind Ltd. Laughter Yoga, Laughter Yoga in London, all over the UK and sometimes elsewhere, The Laughter Club International (UK) and The Telephone Laughter Club.
UnitedMind is on the forefront with laughter, happiness and joy!
To continue receiving our news please subscribe if you haven’t already!
In October News we share the following…
- Brief diary overview
- A few Thoughts from Yours Truly
- Meet Key Notes, Corinne Cosseron & Julien Pechot of Rigologie
- Laughter Yoga Leader Training – life skills that matter
- Living laughter in workplaces
- Laughter Club in St Albans, London, and in the UK
- The Accredited Training Formula
- Book your Laughter Yoga and Laughter Therapist training on time!
You can enjoy reading our news on our secure site on UnitedMind.co.uk!
Please also feel free to follow the scribbles about laugh life and life in general as well as a few moments of change on The Laughter Blog.
A few memories and places to listen and look…
- The Fruit Game and Laughter Yoga Teachers August 2019
- Review from Laughter Yoga Teachers January 2019
- Laughter Yoga with Lotte on Channel 4 4Music Trending Live 11 Sep 2018
- BarclayCard 31 Day Challenge with Giovanna and Tom Fletcher
- TOWIE – The Only Way Is Essex Laughter Therapy 26 October 2017
Our pages are constantly going through changes so please feel free to stop at Your Everyday Laughter Queen, and please stay with us on www.unitedmind.co.uk.
Please follow and like UnitedMind on Social Media
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/unitedmind
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/unitedmind.through.laughter
- YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/lottemikkel
- Instagram – https//www.instagram.com/unitedmindthroughlaughter
A brief overview of our October 2019 diary

Where is the year going? We are entering October and slowly moving towards the end of 2019.
However, there are still three months to share laughter and there are many events in the diary!
We will be in Surrey, St Albans, Uxbridge, Wales, Iceland, Edgware, Bristol, London, Redditch – and many other places around the UK in October!
We go where you need us to share laughter!

I am excited to be running a brief laughter session at Mad World 2019 Summit in London on 9th October – all about Making A Difference, mental healthand wellbeing in the workplace.
To give you an idea of availability please visit our Events Calendar.
Available in London, across the UK, and Elsewhere

Our training courses are scheduled in London, St. Albans, Bristol, Durham and Preston. However, we can run our training courses and workshops at your venue if you cannot join us on scheduled dates around the country.
A Laughter Yoga workshop is an ideal method for buidling great mental health and resilience, promoting teamwork, stressless environments and workplace wellbeing as well as for real personal life changes.

UnitedMind has the largest network of Laughter Yoga Partners in the UK and we always do our best to find a good day, time, and the most suitable Laughter Facilitator for you so please look beyond our diary when you are looking to organise a Laughter Workshop for your group.
We branch out and we create a beatiful interconnected network!
Give the gift of laughter to someone you care about.
All Laughter Yoga training provided by UnitedMind Laughter Yoga Teachers is certified by Laughter Yoga International. In additon all Laughter Yoga and Laughter Therapy training is now also accredited and approved for CPD in the UK by FHT. Ask for a list of UnitedMind Approved Teachers and always check your teacher’s credentials.
Please contact us on email, info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717.
A few Thoughts from Yours Truly

I am so thanksful for all the opportunities to share Laughter Yoga that are being presented to me.
It also provides opportunities for my Laughter Yoga Teacher who constantly invest in being the best they can and thrive towards excellence.
The people who have trusted me with their continued training are outstanding and I trust them to deliver workshops and training to high standards.
You are in good hands with these amazing individuals!
Laughter Yoga in the UK is not a one-man-show but sometimes someone has to walk in front and take the full beating of the storm on occasions.

I feel extremely privileged for having been with Laughter Yoga in the UK at the very early days when we were only few, and now it has grown to thousands of people who have trained.

In this moment of thinking about there wonderful people who have shared their laughter liberally there is not one person that has not stood out.
When I receive emails from people who trained years ago starting with a sentence much like ‘I don’t know if you remember me but I trained with you…’.
I do remember you – I remember all of you.

Almost 1,200 people who have trained with me as Laughter Yoga Leaders or Laughter Yoga Teachers, some are more in touch than others but I know who you are, you are my kind of people.
In September I did not run any training courses, which is the first month in a very long time without teaching, but I had many corporate bookings and other events that were absolutely magical.
Laughter Yoga brings us together in compassionate, caring ways and once we have had the experience of laughing with complete strangers there are no strangers anymore, only friends we have yet to meet.
And in addition I am ruly grateful for the achievement of winning the London Prestige Award 2019/2020 in the category of Specialist Yoga Training Provider of the Year. Thank you! This is the achievement of all the people I work with, teach and learn from, too.

Once again I am sat here, fingers on the keyboard, slightly lost for words but with my heart busting with loving memories and the presence of you all on the forefront of my mind.
Thank you.
Love, Laughter and Peace
Your Everyday Laughter Queen #youreverydaylaughterqueen
45 seconds on ITV Lorraine with Andi Peters

On Thursday 29 August 2019 I started the day with a few seconds of laughter on live television before rushing off to start Laughter Yoga Leader Training in Neal’s Yards together with fellow Laughter Ambassador Melanie Bloch.
It was fun and very, very brief! Happy to arrive to a fantastic group of upcoming Laughter Yoga Leader!
I thought I’d leave this one in here one more month…
The production team at ITV is friendly, professional and just ready to help!
The Playing Human Conference – June 2020!

Only 70 tickets left!
A superb line up is currently being introduced. We started in February when we introduced The Miracle Man, Ant Bennett, in March you met the YES Man, Dave Cornthwaite, in April you were acquainted with Play Expert, Yesim Kunter, in May Kate Hull Rodgers was on display, June you got acquainted with Sue Haswell, in August you met Robert Rivest, September shared Maggie Irving with you, and in October we introduce Corinne Cosseron and Julien Pechot, the creators of Rigologie in France!
Meet Corinne Cosseron and Julien Pechot
Corinne created Rigologies in France and together with Julien she teaches these inspirational techniques that blends Laughter Yoga with a deeper laughter presence with roots in positive psycology, emotional intelligence, Sophrology and more.

Last year we had a brief taste of her work but sadly ran out of time for a full-blown experience, so in June 2020 Corinne and Julien are back and I am excited to be able to fully try out Rigologie!
Corinne has been teaching Rigologie in organisations and companies since 2002 and trained professionals so much that there are now over 3,000 Rigologies Professionals trained and ready to deliver.
- 3-day The Playing Human Conference and Laughter Yoga 25th Anniversary on 5-7 June 2020 at Conway Hall in London £125
Read more about the team on l’Ecole Internationals de Rire et du Bonheur – and look out for the mid-month story of Corinne and Julien…
Make sure you book soon – even if 2020 still seems a long way away, there are only 77 tickets left.
Did you notice who else is coming?
- Ant Bennett, The Miracle Man
- Dave Cornthwaite, The YES Man
- Yesim Kunter, Play Expert and Creative Strategist
- Kate Hull Rodges, HumourUs and Author
- Sue Haswell, Big Results and Mindfulness Leader
- Robert Rivest, Performer, Teacher & Comic Mime Artist
- Maggie Irving, Class Clown and Performance Coach
- Corinne Cosseron and Julien Pechot, L’École Internationale du Rire
- Eser Mutlu, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer Turkey
- Albert Nerenberg, Film Maker and Laughologist
- Miriam Akhtar, Positive Psychologist and Happiness Expert
- Leif Hansen, Playformation Expert at Spark Interaction
- Shoot from the Hip, Comedy Improv
These truly motivational people are not only there to talk, they are coming to inspire and move us all with playfulness and attitude!
Please get in touch about The Playing Human Conference & Laughter Yoga 25th Anniversary, our courses, workshops, conferences, laughter clubs and other events via email, info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717.
Laughter Yoga Leader Training
The Laughter Yoga Leader Training offers an easy and fast route to joy and playfulness.
The training is as popular as ever and our London courses fill up months in advance of the dates scheduled.

Mel and I have now been teaching the 2-day training together in Neal’s Yard, Covent Garden, for over two years, and we are going from strength to strength. We complement each others’ deficiencies and deliver full-blown professional training with real transformation at the heart of our teaching philosophy.
What we teach in 12 hours is what others may take many more hours to deliver. It does not mean the quality of the course is compromised, on the contrary, the transformation we experience in our groups cannot be made up.
Maybe it’s because we are two to share the work and it works for us!

The most exciting thing about our training is that other UnitedMind Laughter Yoga Teachers are delivering similar transformation in their courses by themselves as well as togetherr, and if you are not in London then there may be places you are nearby,
Below are listed a few of the highly recommended teachers to mention who delivers to tremendously high standards with you in mind,
- Norwich – Mr dod teaches in Norfolk and if you are in this area or in Suffolk, Lincs or Cambs this may be the ideal location for you. In addition you get a seriously passionate and fun teacher!
- Manchester – Sara Kay is running training in North West where Manchester is a gateway for many people coming from North Wales and Scotland, and Sara is simply on a mission to change the area.
- Birmingham – Maggie Thompson has her presence in the Midlands and has been teaching Laughter Yoga for many years so you would be in very capable hands.
- Chichester – Lesley Raphael teachers in Surrey with great knowledge and life skills learned through experiencing the true effects of Laughter Yoga in real life.

The 2-day Laughter Therapist Training is only the beginning of the 6-12 months programme leading to your Level 7 Qualification (full details on www.unitedmind.co.uk/training/laughter-therapist/)
If you have any questions about Laughter Therapy or Laughter Yoga workshops and training please get in touch via email, info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717.
Living laughter in workplaces
September brought laughter to many different sectors and types of workplaces.

It is a real privilege to be trusted to deliver workshops for management and staff and although Laughter Yoga does not always hit the soft spot for everyone, there is something to take away for all when looking deep within.

Sometimes it is a matter or acknowledgement of something we need instead of dismissing it because of a simple practice. Even if the method itself is not doing if for you, perhaps there is another way, inspired by Laughter Yoga, that can bring more joy and laughter to your life.
It is always daunting to go into groups where some people have had a GREAT experience in the past because this is the basis for comparison.
Nothing is ever the same!

Even if the experience in a workshop is not the same as that top-of-the-list experience of the past it does not mean it was not great, it was just different. Exactly like every Laughter Yoga Professional is different and deliver their workshops differently.
Take something from the workshop and keep it alive in the workplace and at home, that really is what this work is about. Bringing laughter to life.
I learn from each workshop and I also know that no matter what the expectations are from me and from my clients, there is nothing set in stone until we meet in the group and share laughter.
When we get together there is potential for personal magic and real business enhancements to happen.
Quite frankly, it is a very special moment to hear that “the CEO and his wife really enjoyed your Laughter Yoga session”.

And I had the real pleasure of meeting Sandi Toksvik at one of the events but it is the meeting with the people in the group that makes the most of a difference – that is where real transformation and celebration happens.
Thank you for discovering Laughter Yoga for you and your team!
Please get in touch about UnitedMind’s Workshops, training, and other events via email, info@unitedmind.co.uk or call 0800 12 14 714.
Laughter Club International (UK)

A Reminder that we meet and share laughter in the 1st St Albans Scouts Wadley Hut in The Laughter Club International (UK) in St Albans on First Sunday every month at 1pm-2:30pm – please do join us!
- Next time is 6th October 2019
- then it is 3rd November 2019
- and final Laughter Club this year on 1st December 2019
There are over 125 Laughter Clubs in the UK with their own webpage where you can find details.
Please get in touch about the laughter clubs and other options via email, info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717.
The Accredited Training Formula
Accreditation means our courses are proper approved for CPD!
You are always in good hands with FHT Approved Laughter Yoga Teachers!
PLEASE NOTE, The Laughter Yoga Training is still certified with a standard international certificate issued by Laughter Yoga International and co-signed by your teacher(s) which you receive at the end of the 2-day or 5-day training.
You can simply get your certificate and be ready but there are a few more requirements if you want the additional accreditation certificate. The training is accredited in the UK.

Laughter Yoga Training Accreditation has been a big step in standardising the way we teach Laughter Yoga in the UK and how we bring the techniques to people as a tool approved for CPD purposes.
FHT Accredited courses from UnitedMind are
- 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training
- 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
- 1-day Laughter Yoga Coach Training
- Laughter Therapist Training
This is truly exciting at a time when mental and physical health is top of the priority list for many workplaces and public sector organisations.
With accreditation we are taking Laughter Yoga seriously and we are bringing the standards to another level of nationwide approval within the education system.

I have been running the 2-day training since 2007 and really love it. One thing I enjoy as well, is teaching with my Laughter Yoga Teacher Colleagues, so from 2020 I will be teaching in all parts of the UK with my colleagues – and in Denmark, too.

If you would like to train with me I would love to teach you and share my 16 years experience with you in London (with Mel Bloch), St. Albans (with Charlotte Clark), Durham (with Jan Turner), Preston (with Sara Kay), Bristol (with Sue Haswell), and your venue if you want to organise your own dates with your group of minimum 4 people, as well as one-on-one in Hemel Hempstead.
Our training is outstanding, deep and fun, and you get two Laughter Ambassadors for the price of one when you join us in London, Durham, Preston, and Bristol!

The teachers mentioned above are just a few of the awesome people who have invested in their training with UnitedMind and have gone on to deliver outstanding 2-day Accredited Laughter Yoga Leader Training with skills that have all be obtained through experiencing Laugher Yoga for themselves.
Please contact them directly and mention if you have been in touch with UnitedMind and me about training – we all love people who are referred from others because it is in many ways a testament to our capabilities.
ALWAYS check your teacher’s credentials…
Or contact me on email lotte@unitedmind.co.uk or call 07736341717 for details of other courses and other teachers.
All fees listed in the newsletter are early bird fees available until one month before training dates and excluding travel and accommodation costs unless otherwise stated. Other deals may be available as well as special agreements with companies and organisations who wish to train teams and individuals in their workplace.
If you want to be sure to get a place on the course of your choice please book now in the UnitedMind Online Shop.
For more information about certified training courses please contact us via info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714, or mobile 07736 341 717.