Welcome to October 2020

…and news, stories, upcoming events and event reviews from UnitedMind Ltd. Laughter Yoga, Laughter Yoga in London, all over the UK and elsewhere, The Laughter Club International (UK) and The Telephone Laughter Club.
UnitedMind is on the forefront with laughter, happiness and joy!
To continue receiving our news please subscribe if you haven’t already!
In October News we share the following…
- October Thought from Yours Truly
- World Mental Health Day with Be More You
- ISMA Global Stress and Wellbeing Summit
- September Impromptu Conversations – final ones for now
- Introduction to Laughter Therapy
- The Laughter Club International UK) in St Albans on Zoom
- Remember For You on YouTube
- Laughter Yoga Training Online and dates
- Secure your Laughter Yoga and Laughter Therapist training
You can enjoy reading our news on our secure site on UnitedMind.co.uk!
Please also feel free to follow the scribbles about laugh life and life in general as well as a few moments of change on The Laughter Blog.
A few videos and places to listen and look…
- Laughter Yoga with Sally on ITV News May 2020
- Oxford University Press, Digeo Productions and Laughter Yoga
- Laughter Yoga with Andi Peters on ITV Lorraine August 2019
- Laughter Yoga with Lotte on Channel 4 4Music Trending Live 11 Sep 2018
Our pages are constantly going through changes so please feel free to stop at Your Everyday Laughter Queen, and please stay with us on www.unitedmind.co.uk.
Please follow and like UnitedMind on Social Media
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/unitedmind
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/unitedmind.through.laughter
- YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/lottemikkel
- Instagram – https//www.instagram.com/unitedmindthroughlaughter
- TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@laughteryoga
October Thought from Yours Truly

Our planet and all of us are going through some dramatic changes.
Sometimes it is reflected in the way we communicate and interact, yet other times there is an underlying mismatch of energies that we can’t quite put our finger to what exactly it is.
However, we have in recent months found ways to move beyond obstacles and walk together to create a future om harmony, removing the hurdles and going the extra mile jointly.
Through my work I always hope to inspire and motivate people in whichever way is useful without mixing outside factors into the equation.
Walking my talk with pride and great love is what I do and who I am, and sometimes I feel uncertain and insecure about the steps – and that is where the great ‘we’ brings light to the confusion.
This is our time to explore.

But always remember I am pure in my Laughter Yoga essence and that is the teaching I share!
Laughter Yoga is a fully expressive, balancing method for all levels of our health – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
For many years I have kept the spiritual side or life and living out of my work with laughter, and it is still very separate from laughter therapy and Laughter Yoga, even though both practices are very spiritual at their core when we embrace the methods fully.

With all the 2020 upheaval it is even more important to raise the energy and vibration jointly and it is my hope that together we will embrace our energetical connectedness and the laughter we have within us.
There are new programmes in the making and I am looking forward into the coming months and rather soon into 2021.
I am excited to also as always share the purest form of Laughter Yoga Leader Training, workshops, corporate events, and taking steps towards the Laughter Yoga Teacher Training.

Reminding you that there are many routes to laughter and many online events with lots of room for your special requirements.
Just remember back to the amazing events in September, such as The International Online Laughter Yoga Congress
We had MOMM, Moments of Mass Mindfulness, and the Caravan of Unity where we laughed on 13 September and celebrated International Day of Peace on 21 September with a beatiful global meditation.

There is so much more laughter to come and plenty to share!
As always, I am Your Everyday Laughter Queen – and nothing is quite as serious as it may seem, only a wholehearted pursuit of fully grounded joy and extraordinary living.
Wishing you warmth within your heart and wool covering your body!
Love, Laughter and Peace
Laughter Yoga Master Trainer Lotte Mikkelsen
World Mental Health Day with Be More You and lululemon
Sha Hussain, Founder of The Wellness Movement and Be More You, has organised this supercharged event for raising awareness regarding mental health and wellbeing, in partnership with lululemon.

To read about Running Enthusiast, Sha Hussain, The Wellness Movement and Be more You please visit www.thewellnessmovement.co.uk/new-page-2.
And to find out more about lululemon who is partnering with Be More You on this event please visit them on www.lululemon.co.uk/en-gb/home.
For information about our workshops, programmes and training, and to work with us please get in touch via email info@unitedmind.co.uk or call 0800 12 14 714 or 07736 341 717.
ISMA Global Stress and Wellbeing Summit

Everyone knows about stress, but does everyone know how to tackle it? At home and at work?
It is a great honour to be invited to run a short Laughter yoga session at the ISMA conference in November.
To find out more about ISMA and the Online Global Stress and Wellbeing Summit please visit them on isma.org.uk/isma-online-global-stress-and-wellbeing-summit.
For information about our workshops, programmes and training, and to work with us please get in touch via email info@unitedmind.co.uk or call 0800 12 14 714 or 07736 341 717.
October Impromptu Conversations – the final giants for now

The Impromptu Conversations in July, August and September have received wonderful comments and feedback.
The idea behind the Impromptu Conversations was to bring Laughter Yoga giants forward and have discussions that would encourage expansion of the mind, heart and practice itself.
I believe we have accomplished this so far.
You can watch the series on YouTube Impromptu Conversation, this is the whole collection of 1-hour conversations with Laughter Yoga Experts from around the world.
In October I will be having some awesome conversations with Anu, Egbert and Barbara. Please read about them below.
- Sunday 4 October at 3pm Anu Saari-Gomez, Finland
- Wednesday 14 October at 10am Egbert Griebeling, Germany TBC
- Sunday 18 October at 3pm Barbara Grapstein, USA
- TBC October Philip Permutt
Please join us on the dates and UK times above on www.facebook.com/unitedmind.through.laughter where the Impromptu Conversations will be live streamed. They will also be posted on YouTube.
Anu Saari-Gomez, Finland

Anu brings laughter to all of Finland with her bubbly personality.
Without making myself and expert in the Finnish language I beliver taht Anu has shared laughter since 2005.
I am truly excited to speak with one of the Scandinavian Greats in this Impromptu Conversation where I will meet Anu and get to know more about her than what I know from our connection on Facebook.
For more information about Anu please visit her on nauravainen.fi.
Egbert Griebeling, Germany

A top photographer in the Laughter Yoga community Egbert has immortalised some memorable events and moments over the years with his art.
The first time I met Egbert was at The 1st Global Laughter Yoga Conference in Frankfurt.
He is fun and serious and has the biggest heart beating for Laughter Yoga and joy.
In our Impromptu Conversation we will let the talk flow in whichever direction it may wish to go as that is the wonderful side of Laughter Yoga and Egbert when everything stays in the flow.
For more information about Egbert please visit him on www.lachyoga-sonne.de.
Barbara Grapstein, USA

Barbara and I met in Heathrow Airport. A brief encounter but her work made a lasting impression on me.
I cannot wait to have an Impromptu Conversation with Barbara about her life and love of laughter, her vision with Healing Headbands and where she sees the world going.
Of other topics that comes into the equation when we Zoom to Facebook.
Join Lotte and Barbara in our Impromptu Conversation as we talk about her work, laughter and everything that moves.
For more information about Barbara please visit her on www.healingheadbands.com.
Philip Permutt, UK

Philip is The Crystal Healer!
When I first moved to St Albans in 2001 the iSIS Crystals show quickly became my favourite go-to place for exploration. I trained in iSIS Crystals as Crystal Healer and Reiki Healer as well as explored other aspects of spiritualism.
This Impromptu Converesation is not about me, it is about Philip and his awesome work over many decades as well as his books, recording, and a great conversation about topics that still raises brows here and there, and makes some folk wonder if there is more to life, the universe and everything than simply the number 42.
Philip and I will round up and tie together the Impromptu Conversations with a conversation that connects our souls with laughter and crystals.
For more information about Philip please visit him on www.thecrystalhealer.co.uk.
Introduction to Laughter Therapy…
…with leading laughter experts, Lotte Mikkelsen and Melanie Bloch.

The Laughter Therapist Training is an extensive Level 7 programme, and Melanie and Lotte are excited to introduce an workshop designed to give you an experiential flavour of the full course.
In this 3.5 hour workshop you will be taken through
- a process of Laughter Therapy first introduced by Dr Annette Goodheart in the 1970s
- a completion process to gain momentum in your life through release of stuck energy through laughter
- an experience of the Mystic Rose Meditation by Osho
The workshops runs on Saturday 7 November from 1pm to 4:30pm UK time and costs £45 per person. There will be 2 x 15 minute breaks.
Book early if you are up for a transformational experience and want to make sure there is space available!
To book your place please visit the UnitedMind Online Shop.
The Laughter Club International (UK) on Zoom

The Laughter Club in St Albans is sharing laughter on Zoom on 1st Sunday every month at 1pm-1:30pm!
Please register online on https://form.jotform.com/200864136631350.
We are serious about laughter and sharing the benefits, and we hope that you enjoy these weekly Laughter Yoga workouts.
- Sunday 4 October 2020 at 1pm-1:30pm
- Sunday 1 November 2020 at 1pm-1:30pm
- Sunda 6 December 2020 at 1pm-1:30pm
A Laughter Club is just like a fitness session and we encourage you to pay as you can to www.paypal.me/unitedmind.
Laughter Club fees are typically £5-£10 or a donation that works for you.
Thank you for your kindness.
Please get in touch about the laughter clubs and other options via email, info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717.
The For You Channel on YouTube
The For You YouTube Channel offers lots of good ideas, tips, tricks and lessons, why not subscribe?
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnlaAIkTvjhIfX9Y4J05cJw
There are currently 4 x Laughter Yoga For You videos in the Health & Beauty section on as well as an interview with Our Tim Watson.
- Interview with Our Tim and Lotte: https://youtu.be/SaBNSVxR8-4
- A mood busting way to wellbeing: https://youtu.be/CubrhcR8osA
- More mood busting ways: https://youtu.be/-Lc7T68MPbw
- How to live life in a fun, exciting way: https://youtu.be/BmFEWQwlgIg
Please contact us on info@unitedmind.co.uk or call 0800 1214 714 for more information about special recordings and interviews.
Laughter Leader Training Online

The Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training Online is as popular as ever and we have many dates scheduled throughout 2020.
Whether we learn and teach one on one or in a group the outcome is the same, a Laughter Yoga Leader qualification.
On the training you will learn face to face via webcam on Zoom over 4 sessions plus a follow up session which takes you through the full Laughter Yoga Leader programme covering the content of the 2-day in-person Laughter Yoga Leader Training.

Upon completion you will receive the UnitedMind training certificate. UnitedMind is registered with our insurance company as a training provider which means that our certificates grant you insurance.
When you choose your training provider please make sure you check their credentials as online training methods and courses are not always covered by insurers.
To receive the Laughter Yoga International certificate and be eligible for UK accreditation you will be required to complete Day-2 of the classroom training.
There are a few more requirements if you want the additional accreditation certificate.
FHT Accredited courses from UnitedMind Laughter Yoga are
- 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training
- 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
- 1-day Laughter Yoga Coach Training
- Laughter Therapist Training
With accreditation we are taking Laughter Yoga seriously and we are bringing the standards to another level of nationwide approval within the education system. This is CPD!
Contact us on email info@unitedmind.co.uk or call 07736341717 for details of Laughter Yoga Training, other courses and other teachers.
If you want to be sure to get a place on the course of your choice please book now in the UnitedMind Online Shop.
For more information about accredited training courses please contact us via info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714, or mobile 07736 341 717.