Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK

UnitedMind News February 2024

Welcome to February 2024

UnitedMind orange logo2 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

…and news, stories, upcoming events and event reviews from UnitedMind Ltd. Laughter Yoga, Laughter Yoga in London, all over the UK and world, The Laughter Club International (UK) and The Telephone Laughter Club.

UnitedMind is on the forefront with laughter, happiness and joy!

In February News we share the following…

  1. Full Throttle from Yours Truly
  2. Valentines Laughter for Single, Southampton
  3. Workplace Wellness and Staff Engagement
  4. Business Experts Programme
  5. Laughter Yoga Leader – New Beginnings
  6. Reminder – Becoming a Laughter Therapist with Mel and Lotte
  7. Laughter Club and Telephone Laughter Dates and News
  8. Laughter Yoga Training Dates and News
  9. Important training and laughter club dates and info are listed at the end

You can continue to enjoy reading our news on our secure site on and follow us on Social Media!

Please also make sure you look out for March News where the following are just a few of the topics…

  1. Being a Laughter Coach, experiences from a few Accredited Laughter Coaches
  2. The Corporate Laughter Boom and our joint focus

Social Media is always growing and improving, please follow Unitedmind on

Full Throttle from Yours Truly

ISIQ7641 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

The excess of laughter work flowing in during January has reignited and brought back the dream that came true by the end of 2019 with a great start to 2020 but seriously ripped to shreds the near future when we entered March 2020.

I feel grateful back then that I had the opportunity to share laughter online yet now I feel the blessings even more as the year unfolds with my diary booming with training, workshops and events for myself and for my Laughter Yoga colleagues.

My work is least of all a selfish plan to break the bank, my work is for the greater good involving people who want to be engaged in the process of creating lasting and positive chance.

January really has been a blast full of giggles, chuckles and belly laughs.

Laughter is like hugs – warm and loving.

There is nothing more fulfilling that doing the work you feel called to do, sharing moments of connectedness and the greatness of people who step into something big and bold, and laughter is all of that!

Although we are brought into this world with an abundance of laughter we seem to forget it when we grow up and become serious adults.

But hope and change is brought to you by the Laughter Yoga practice.

Where there is hope and willingness combined with a real wish to be extraordinary in life, there is method in the madness we experience when we share laughter and break through boundaries to conquer the wall of stiffness and ground rules defined by others.

Untitled - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

Just a note on the expression ‘method in the madness’ as we try to avoid certain words and phrases in this world of political correctness, the phrase was first derived in 1602 in the play ‘Hamlet’ by William Shakespeare, a play I first fell in love with as I watched Laurence Olivier and Jean Simmons tell the tale of love and tragedy, murder and revenge.

I know for a fact and through experience that Laughter Yoga is a practice with huge potential for the human mind, body and soul, with potential for improved mental, physical and emotional health.

Are you ready to go beyond the comfort zone to discover yourself and your limitless life?

I am here to help you and your people connect with your pleayful selves!

Love, Friendship, Honesty, Kindness, Health, Hope, Goodness, Grace, Gratitude, Understanding, Faith, Peace, Forgiveness, Patience, Diligence, Love, Blessings and Joy from me to you!

Lotte Mikkelsen
Laughter Yoga Specialist and Master Trainer

Valentine’s Laughter for Singles, Southampton

IMG 0934 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

Nicky Mintrim is Southampton’s Laughter Yoga Specialist, she facilitates fun workshops, teaches Laughter Yoga, and runs one-on-one laughter coaching programmes.

Nicky is also the Founder of the Laughter Sanctuary and I will be joining her on this special evening in February.

For this year’s Valentine’s Day the Laughter Sanctuary introduces an evening of fun with Laughter Yoga and playfulness in Southampton.

Many events are targeted at people who have their ‘special Valentine’ and still very few single people go out celebrating Valentine’s Day.

The Valentine’s Laughter Session with Nicky is for singles over 40 years of age, and it is not for dating purposes.

The evening is a networking platform where likeminded people meet and connect in laughter.

For more information about the evening and to book at only £20 please visit

Workplace Wellness and Staff Engagement

The year has started in a laughter explosion!

Sometimes it can be difficult to fully express the gratitude felt by being able to sustain a business, a passion for helping others, when others may just see the transactions when in fact it is more than the simple exchange of service and fee.

Laughter heals, helps cope, create bonds, builds resilience, and connects us with the simple goodness in life.

It is almost like First Aid for the soul.

Where physical First Aid helps save a life, Mental Health First Aid saves a life, too, and guess what, Laughter Yoga helps save lives as well.

It is no co-incidence that Laughter Yoga has become a popular choice for workplace events, training and ongoing programmes.

WhatsApp Image 2023 11 29 at 15.03.40 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

The joy I feel when people connect in laughter – a different laughter than our bookshelving titter, makes me want to laugh more and sing and dance.

There is a bounce in someone’s step when they have experienced the connection with laughter energy for themselves and with people they work with, care about, have in their lives, or randomly meet in a workshop.

For more information about training and workshops please contact me on

Business Experts Programme

2020 10 20 Business Experts 03 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

My background, or you could call it, my life before laughter, is many years of corporate work in technical support for a started, then sales, management, and marketing.

I learned many practices that work, and many that didn’t work over those years.

When I look back, I don’t think I was very good at any of it but I kept getting offered jobs, so something must have worked.

So much so the corporate experience gave me a great basis for my own business and the successes as well as challenges I have faces over the years.

Laughter Yoga Leaders, Teachers, and Coaches who have come on the Business Experts Programme have walked away with aha-moments, revelations for themselves and their business idea, as well as a drive to move forward with their dream.

Read all about it and book your place on

We start the new 4-week Business Experts Programme on Tuesday 6th February at 7pm to 9pm.

For more information about training and workshops please contact me on

Laughter Yoga Leader – New Beginnings

IMG 2443 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

New life had been given to Laughter Yoga Leader Training!

The courses are as popular as ever, or perhaps to be exact, as before the pandemic.

So much so the Laughter Yoga Leader Training in Neal’s Yard in London on 2-3 March is now full.

Most of us look for ways to improve ourselves, our lives, our health, our work, and everyone else’s lives, too.

Laughter Yoga gives you a platform for extraordinary change and a realisation along the way that we cannot change anyone else…

Over the 2 days you spend in a group of laughter-willing people you learn laughter exercises, presentation skills, the reasons and benefits, and most importantly you connect with your own laughter and your ability to express yourself in a non-judgmental way.

The course runs 4 weekends per year in Covent Garden in London, and ONLY once a year in Durham, Preston, and St. Albans.

Laughter Yoga is about new beginnings, a choice for a great outlook!

In 2024 the Laughter Yoga Leader Training runs on the following dates,

For more information about training and workshops please contact me on

Becoming a Laughter Therapist with Lotte and Mel

IMG 3171 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

Just a wee reminder…

Becoming a Laughter Therapist requires you to already have the skills of a therapist or holistic therapist, so you have a real-life understanding and experience in how to cope with your client’s emotional release at any given time

Those skills cannot be learned online and since the programme has its roots in psychotherapy and positive psychology there is no shortcut when you choose to become a Laughter Therapist.

Melanie Bloch and I have shared laughter and friendship since 2012, and we have worked together since 2016 when I first introduced the Laughter Therapist Training programme.

The Laughter Therapist Training runs over two and a half days but that does not complete the course.

It runs in the following way allowing you to complete within the timeframe given

  • 2-day in-person training
  • 6-12 months case study work (minimum 2 case studies to be completed, 1 group, 1 individual) finishing with a dissertation
  • 1/2 day to present your dissertation and complete the training. This day can be organised as an online or in-person meeting

If you feel this is for you and you are ready to dive into this experiential training please email me,, or book via

Laughter Club and Telephone Laughter Dates and News

We are always up to something with laughter and sharing the benefits, and we hope that you enjoy these monthly Laughter Yoga workouts, please keep coming along and bring your tribe.

2022 05 01 World Laughter Day 02 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

The Laughter Club in St Albans is still sharing laughter on Zoom on 1st Sunday every month (except August) at 1pm-1:30pm!

Please register online on

  • Sunday 4 February 2024 at 13:00-13:30 UK time
  • Sunday 3 March 2024 at 13:00-13:30 UK time
  • Sunday 7 April 2024 at 13:00-13:30 UK time
  • Sunday 5 May 2024 at 13:00-13:30 UK time WORLD LAUGHTER DAY

A Laughter Club is just like a fitness session and we encourage you to pay as you can to Thank you for your kindness.

Please get in touch about the laughter clubs and other options via email,, mobile/WhatsApp 07736 341 717.

In addition The Telephone Laughter Club runs Monday to Friday at 7:00 to 7:10 on

  • Dial: 0333 011 2319
  • Room number: 33928453 #
  • PIN: 8494 #

Please also contact me about The Telephone Laughter Club where we laugh weekday mornings from 7:00 to 7:10 if you have any questions about this service,

Laughter Training Dates and News

DSC 4751 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

There are opportunities to learn Laughter Yoga in London, Preston and Durham in 2024.

A note, the picture is from 2009 when the first Laughter Yoga Leader Training ran at Alington House in Durham.

If you wish to become a Laughter Yoga Teacher or Laughter Therapists these advanced training courses take place in London and on your location request with minimum 4 people.

Now is the best time to book your spot on one of the 2024 courses – soon 2025 dates will become available as we are entering 2024 in just a short while!

Once you are a Laughter Yoga Leader your exploration has only just started and it opens the world of Laughter Yoga to you, and also becoming a Laughter Yoga Teacher.

And you make friends with other kind and friendly people.

To learn more about our training programmes, options and requirements, please contact via email

The Accredited Laughter Yoga Training

More information about the different programmes is available on

FHT logo e1589357844204 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

UnitedMind is registered with our insurance company as a Training Provider which means that our certificates grant you insurance.

When you choose your training provider please make sure you check their credentials as online training methods and courses are not always covered by insurers.

FHT Accredited courses uniquely from UnitedMind Laughter Yoga and our Accredited Laughter Yoga Teachers are

With accreditation we are taking Laughter Yoga seriously and we are bringing the standards to another level of nationwide approval within the education system. The UnitedMind accreditation is the only UK accreditation for Laughter Yoga Training.

Our courses are continued professional development and gives you points to add to your CPD list!

To learn more about how you can become a Laughter Yoga Leader or Teacher please contact Lotte on mobile/WhatsApp +44 (0) 7736341717 or email

UnitedMind teaches Laughter Yoga courses in the following locations:

  • Accredited Laughter Yoga Leader Training
    This training is a requirement for becoming a Laughter Yoga Teacher
    • London, Online, Preston, Durham, St Albans, or Your venue your group – minimum 4 people
  • Accredited Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
    This training is a requirement for becoming a Laughter Yoga Coach
    • London, or Your venue, your group – minimum 4 people
  • Accredited Laughter Therapist Training
    • London
  • Accredited Laughter Coach and Certified Gibberish Coach Training
    • Online, or Your venue, your group – minimum 4 people

Your Self Study

A way to learn at your own leisure, at times to suit. If you are able to come to the in-person training at a later time, the 2-day training is included in the fee of £225.

It is exciting to launch a new way of learning Laughter Yoga online as an almost-self-study, where you will be able to learn at your own pace and finish by presenting a Laughter Yoga session as you will have learned through the lessons, at a face-to-face Zoom session.


Accredited Laughter Yoga Leader

The 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training runs on the following dates and venues (full details are listed on provided by UnitedMind in the UK since 2007:

  • Your workplace or with your group at dates to suit you!

12-hour Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training Online – click to choose your dates:

Accredited Laughter Yoga Teacher

The 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training and Hybrid Laughter Yoga Teacher Training runs on the following dates and venues (full details are listed on provided by UnitedMind in the UK since 2012:

Fees for residential training are including accommodation from Monday to Friday.

Feel free to enquire about special offers at any time,

Accredited Laughter Yoga Coach

The 1-day Laughter Yoga Coach Training for Laughter Yoga Teachers runs online on the following dates (full details are listed on

Add-On to Laughter Yoga Teacher Certification

Or you can book your 8-week One On One Laughter Coaching Programme and get closer to your real laughter through the practice of Laughter Yoga exercises.

Accredited Laughter Therapist

The 2-day Laughter Therapist Training is only the beginning of the 6-12 months programme (full details on

Accredited Gibberish Coach

The 1-day Gibberish Coach Training for Laughter Yoga Leaders and Teachers runs on the following dates (full details are listed on

All fees listed in the newsletter are early bird fees available until one month before training dates and excluding travel and accommodation costs unless otherwise stated. Other deals may be available as well as special agreements with companies and organisations who wish to train teams and individuals in their workplace.

If you want to be sure to get a place on the course of your choice please book now in the UnitedMind Online Shop.

For more information about accredited training courses please contact us via, phone 0800 1214 714, or mobile/WhatsApp +447736341717.

Full details of all workshops and training programmes, and how to register, are listed on UnitedMind’s website.

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