Laugh it Off! Workshop
Laugh your way to a lean body – coming soon!
Many scientific research results identify chemical reactions taking place in our body when we laugh.
The body is a factory that provides us with anything we need – if only we recognised how we can tap into those resources on an on-going and easy way.
Laughter is as natural as anything in this world and it is a direct way to produce lasting results.
Laugh it off!!!
- Are you among the many of us who have tried – and failed – so many diets promising fast and lasting weight loss results?
- Can you imagine how great it would be if you could laugh your way to a slimmer body?
Here is your chance to laugh off all the weight you feel is getting in the way of your sense of comfort.
Join us in discovering how to
- overcome the urge to eat when you are not hungry
- turn moments of stress into calorie-burning moves
- cood wonderful meals for sustainable weight-lossnever be a hungry and sulky dieter again
For further details and information about tailored Laughter Yoga programmes for the workplace or information about Laughter Yoga and laughter training please contact us.
Laughter Warning!
- it is highly infectious and could seriously affect your health and happiness
- it is known to cause people to actually enjoy their stress – when applied liberally
Laugh it Off! DatesSt Albans, Hertfordshire
Training VenuesSt Albans, Hertfordshire